Biography as Matrix of the Authors Style: Myth (bio)graphical and Myth (bio)logical in the Pierre Michon’s Novels




biographical text, biographical fiction, vies rêvées, biographical writing, P. Michon


The article deals with the problem of Pierre Michon’s authors biographical stylistic methods. We covered the stylistic and poetical markers of the author’s studying of the biographical material. We determined the modes of the biographeme’s selection and their hierarchical structure (from dominant to peripheral; we analyzed the narrative structure of the biographical text, we studied the textual realization of the relations factual / fiction / fictional in the authors works. We outlined the fictional markers; they are thematic (in relation to the literary text) narrative (in relation to the narration) and discursive (in relation to the discourse) criteria, and also paratextual and metatextual textual indicators. Besides, we showed the literary transformation of the biography to the myth biography by functions of the biographical texts agents (object, subject and recipient), and the process of the transposition of the biography logic to the myth logic. The author concludes that in the biographies created by P. Michon, the mains acting schemes (mytheme) of the (myth) biography’s creating are presented by the repeating paradigm of the themes and of the motifs. This is the reference to an ancient manuscript, the digging up bones (remains), the identity (name), the recording, the choice of language, the execution of order, the correspondence, the falsification, the birth of the work of art etc. The author’s style is has enclosed in the biographies. The acting schemes of the process of the writing and of his reception are represented frequently in the text, this is the removing cover, deep into the middle (of the earth, of the wood, etc.), feeling of the body (of the text), the paradox- transposition of the contradictions, the creation through the deletion. 

Author Biography

Galyna Dranenko, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

The Department of Roman Philology and Translation

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

2 Kotsiubynskiy Street, 58012, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Dranenko, G. “Biography As Matrix of the Authors Style: Myth (bio)graphical and Myth (bio)logical in the Pierre Michon’s Novels”. Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, no. 90, Dec. 2014, pp. 72-97, doi:10.31861/pytlit2014.90.072.


