The Genre on the Boundary: Innovative Features of the Czech Enigmatic Prose
genres on the boundary, fiction and nonfiction, the revision of the history of the Earth, genre mask, enigmatic proseAbstract
The author of the present contribution deals with the development of the Czech enigmatic prose since the 1960s which arose from a specific branch of classical science fiction by means of the gradual transition to the problem of enigma expressing the cinviction of the extraterrestrial origin of humankind which might radically change the whole concept of history of the Earth and our notion of the rise and fall of cosmos.This type of nonfiction has often an artistic character of belles lettres (fiction) which absolved of the responsibility for strict rationalism and the only right views shared by the science mainstream. The authors of this type of prose quite frequently used genre masks for expressing their real research intentions. Later they ceased to be so timid and started create the real literature of the fact that moved along the boundary of fiction and nonfiction like the majority of world bestsellers. The clusters of such works and the groupings of their authors have been formed the special canon having – as a other genres or types of literature – its fandom and also sharp critics. The author of the present contribution focused on two main figures of this current – Ludvík Souček (1926–1978) and Arnošt Vašíček (born 1953) – not avoiding their predecessors in world interliterary community. The present contribution came to the conclusion that especially this genre type has an immense potential to develop and link various poetological strata of both fiction and nonfiction permeating them in most prolific way. From the point of view of literary scholarship these artefacts have been playing the key role in world literature, at least the most read and readable which lasu contains strong elements of genuine creativity.
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