Poems in Prose as Marginal Genre of Ukrainian Literature at the End of XIXth – the Beginning of XXth Centuries





poems in prose, genre, marginal, modernism, metaphysical horizon, symbol, motif


The Ukraine literary process in the end of XIXth – the beginning of XXth centuries develops in connection with Modernism in its European and Ukrainian national patterns. The works of Ukrainian writers of this period is closely connected to Modernism stylistic tendencies especially widely distributed the poems in prose. This genre involves the art’s categories “nonrepresentational / representational” (after E. Surio). Nonrepresentational is relating to work of art in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature. According the representational artist depicts an objects, figures,or scenes as seen. The cathegory of nonrepresentational is primarily manifested in poetry by the states of lyric hero in which the supersensual has opened. That’s why the nonrepresentational overlooked as a consept that is closely connected to the transcendental sphere that forms the metaphysical horizon of the author’s fiction. This thesis deals with the poems in prose by Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, Marko Cheremshyna, Vasyl Stephanyk, Olha Kobylyanska and others and investigates how the categories “nonrepresentational / representational” have been discovered in this genre, its transposition from prose to ontological communication where the word or sign is polisemantic and forms the metaphysical horizon of fiction peculiar to lirics. That gives grounds to investigate poems in prose genre as marginal of prose and poetry. Motive of art and artist, symbols, reflection of emotional experience, solitude, imagination and others states of lyric hero is closely connected to the transcendental sphere and forms the category of nonrepresentational in poems in prose. From another side the authors also use in that genre some prose instrumens as the features of the representational.

Author Biography

Tatiana Lyakh, Uzhhorod National University

The Chair of Social Health and Humanitarian Subject Matters

Uzghorod National University

Pl. Narodna, 3, 88000, Uzghorod, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Lyakh, T. “Poems in Prose As Marginal Genre of Ukrainian Literature at the End of XIXth – the Beginning of XXth Centuries”. Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, no. 95, Nov. 2017, pp. 106-19, doi:10.31861/pytlit2017.95.106.



Genre Study